186: Luc Boulet – Copyright Changes for Photographers and Artist

186: Luc Boulet – Copyright Changes for Photographers and Artist

Did you know your right to photograph is protected under the constitutional right to freedom of speech? Well, it is! It’s a little more complex than that, though, which is why we are so glad to have our guest with us today to explain all things legal photography! 

The Professional Photographers of America worked for 10 years to get Congress to pass a bill that allows photographers and artists to sue in Small Claims Court. 

Luc Boulet - Copyright Changes for Photographers and Artist The Profitable Photographer Luci Dumas

My guest, Luc Boulet is the man with the answers about all things legal when it comes to photography.

He is currently the Government Affairs Manager for Professional Photographers of America and represents their interests across the country in state legislatures, federal agencies, and on Capitol Hill.

Paying attention to the legal stuff can be overwhelming for many creative-types… that’s why we are so happy to have Luc on the show to help break it down! 

On this episode he’ll cover:

  • The legal right to photograph in National Parks
  • Our rights as photographers 
  • What to do if your photographs are used without your permission
  • The importance of registering your work

Don’t sweat the legal stuff…we’ve gotcha covered.

Listen now.

And connect with Luc at:

Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info:

185: Amina Mohamed – Cameras for Girls Program and the Joy of Volunteering

185: Amina Mohamed – Cameras for Girls Program and the Joy of Volunteering

Is it time for you to give back? Is your heart calling you to use your talents to help others?

Our guest, Amina Mohamed, is here to talk about her non-profit called “Cameras for Girls” and her efforts to bring the art of photography and photojournalism to young women across Africa who likely would not otherwise have had the opportunity to explore it. 

185 - Amina Mohamed - Cameras for Girls Program and the Joy of Volunteering - Luci Dumas

In 2018, she started an initiative with a mission to teach photography and business skills to marginalized females across Africa who endeavor to become journalists. She gives each of them a camera and has taught 47 young women in Uganda and 10 women online in South Africa– 65% now have full-time jobs. Truly amazing.

In addition to her volunteer efforts, Amina has spent fifteen years exploring her passion for photography while working in film and television as a producer and production manager on numerous movies and documentaries. 

Amina is here today to speak to all photographers about how to proceed when you are called to give back and make the world a better place using your photography. 

Here are some of her tips for getting started: 

  • Figure out what you are talented at
  • And which segment of society you want to help
  • Don’t worry about registering for any “official” programs
  • Look for places to volunteer (but be careful about “voluntourism”)

Listen now to hear Amina’s amazing story and find out more about tapping into your inner volunteer!

And connect with Amina at:

Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info:

184: Carly Sullens – Digital Artistry and New Renaissance for Photographers

184: Carly Sullens – Digital Artistry and New Renaissance for Photographers

This week on The Profitable Photographer Podcast we are thinkin’ OUTSIDE THE BOX with multi-talented artist and photographer, Carly Sullens. She helps us understand how to use the new tools in the current Creative Renaissance to create digital photographic art limited only by our imaginations.

Carly is an award-winning photographer, artist, digital painter, and educator. 

With a master’s degree in art therapy, Carly studied painting, psychology, and art history in both undergraduate and grad school. She added photography to her repertoire several years ago. Eventually, she began to apply her painting training, turning photos into works of art. Her photographs have earned tons of awards, including “Image Excellence.”

Carly combines her painting and photography worlds by exploring how photographs can be deconstructed and transformed into a new reality. 

She says, “The idea behind my work and what I teach is to push the artistic potential of photography and compose a new artistic image. Whether that be through digital painting or composite.”

In addition to art for the sake of beauty and exploration, Carly is also a trained art therapist, helping students tap into their own creative genius. “Art and symbolism speak to all of us in unique ways. To be more creative is to learn to sit with imagery, yours, and others and to listen.” 

If you’re looking for a way to tap into your creative genius, Carly says:

  1. Go within
  2. Notice the patterns that show up over and over
  3. Explore your emotions

And if you’re interested in taking up photo painting:

  1. Choose the right photograph
  2. Be sure the image has good highlights and shadows
  3. Test your digital brushes
  4. How you paint the pixels is up to your artistry
  5. Focus on fundamental principles like perspective, form, and color

It’s never too late to learn a new skill and add to your artistic portfolio. You never know what potential you’ll tap into.

Listen now

AND DON’T FORGET Carly’s free guide to photo-painting at https://paintedcamera.com/5strategieschoosingphoto 

Connect with Carly:

Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info:

183: Luci Dumas – Handling Objections

183: Luci Dumas – Handling Objections

“Salesmanship begins when the customer says no”…today’s quote from a coffee mug by Sandra Bynton

This solo episode by me, Luci, you know…your hostess with the mostest…is all about how to deal with objections from your clients.

No matter how great you are at photography, marketing, attracting ideal clients, or planting seeds for eventual purchasing, you need to know how to handle those inevitable objections. 

How? By having a strategy (and lot of responses in your back pocket) so you will have a great session and order you are really really happy about. 

In this episode, I cover the following topics:

  1. How to“Head um off at the pass”. I.E., anticipating and solving potential issues in advance.
  2. The value of becoming the trusted advisor.
  3. What to do first when someone asks a question or makes a comment that sets you back on your heels, or risks the entire success of the project.
  4. How to use the“Feel, Felt, Found” tool that is like magic.

And I offer several responses to common questions like “can we order more later” or “do you sell digitals?”.

Don’t miss this one. It can make all the difference in the world.

And thanks a zillion for listening! Luci

Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info:

182: Jeff Dachowski – Up Your Photography Sales Plan

182: Jeff Dachowski – Up Your Photography Sales Plan

We are amping up our photography sales this week on The Profitable Photographer podcast.

Special guest Jeff Dachowki joins us to spill his secrets to big and meaningful sales.

Jeff Dachowski - Up Your Photography Sales Plan Luci Dumas Profitable Photographer Podcast

Jeff is an award-winning Master Craftsman Photographer. He owns a highly profitable studio with his lovely wife Carolle in New Hampshire which has been on its feet since 2003.

He is also the President of the Professional Photographers of America (or PPA for short), a PPA International Approved Juror, Certification Judge, and a Vatican Approved Photographer. Not only that, he is also a super fun and great human.

What’s Jeff’s number one tip to making big sales? SELL IN PERSON! 

It gives you a better opportunity to connect and collaborate with your clients. 

And always remember that you are valuable and worth it–You are the only place your clients can get what you offer.

Jeff also says to make sure to:

  1. Pick at least one impact piece to focus the conversation on
  2. Let your client know the importance of each piece
  3. Let the client add to their own shopping cart

Photographs are the most talked about piece of furniture in our homes. Your clients WANT to buy from you! 

Listen now!

Connect with Jeff:

Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info: