263: Luci Dumas: Part 2 of 10 Big Ideas for Marketing Photography in the Real World

263: Luci Dumas: Part 2 of 10 Big Ideas for Marketing Photography in the Real World

Today’s episode is Part Two of Three solo episodes about the material I share in my eBook called “10 Big Ideas for Marketing High Dollar Portrait and Wedding Photography in the “Real World”.

You can download your free copy by going to the bottom of the home page at www.lucidumascoaching.com to follow along and gain deeper insights into the topic.

So what is the main theme of this teaching, you ask? Well, so many people stay on their computer to do most or even all of their marketing efforts. Social  media of course has many great ways to reach potential clients. But if that is the only way these photographers are marketing, they are missing out on the power of meeting people in person, getting their work seen as printed photographic art, and directly reaching ideal clients.  

In the first episode in the series, I shared some basic wisdom such as the importance of  knowing how sell and how to produce photographs that people will purchase. We can be awesome at marketing but fall short if those activities are lacking.

Then I cover the next Big Ideas in detail 

4- Gift Certificates as fundraisers

5- Publications

6- Networking

7- Create your own mastermind group

Be sure to watch for Part Three as I continue to explore the info in my ebook on marketing. Just scroll to the bottom of the HOME page to get the link.

Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: 

199: Luci Dumas – Success in Photography Through Live Education

199: Luci Dumas – Success in Photography Through Live Education

When you hang out with people that are where you want to be, you grow to be like them. That is just one of the topics I cover in this recording.

Today’s episode is a solo show with yours truly, Luci Dumas, where I share my thoughts and stories about the importance of “Live and In Person” education. 

When you hang out with people that are where you want to be, you grow to be like them. That is just one of the topics I cover in this recording. Today’s episode is a solo show with yours truly, Luci Dumas, where I share my thoughts and stories about the importance of “Live and In Person” education.  As a lifelong learner, I have always taken the opportunity to attend workshops, seminars, conventions, meetings locally and at a state and national level that are teaching everything from lighting, cameras, retreats, business, mindset, business, and such.  I know I own my over 40 years of full-time success partly to my participation in education IRL… “In The Real”. Of course, virtual classes, podcasts, books, and other remote way to learn and grow is great (especially podcasts and videos) But there is nothing quite like spending time with educators and students in rooms, and on location, and over lunch.  There are soooooo many reasons I believe that showing up physically is essential to our success. In this solo episode, I will share about   The value of hanging out with photographers   Why I learn more in person from the speakers  -Many opportunities for in-person education, especially from The Professional Photography of America  I also discuss why getting involved and serving our industry by being on boards, teaching, judging, and such grows us and our success exponentially. Hey…thanks by the way for subscribing to the show on my YouTube channel and the podcast platform you love the most. And for checking out www.lucidumascoaching.com or emailing me at luci@lucidumas.com

As a lifelong learner, I have always taken the opportunity to attend workshops, seminars, conventions, meetings locally and at a state and national level that are teaching everything from lighting, cameras, retreats, business, mindset, business, and such. 

I know I own my over 40 years of full-time success partly to my participation in education IRL… “In The Real”. Of course, virtual classes, podcasts, books, and other remote way to learn and grow is great (especially podcasts and videos) But there is nothing quite like spending time with educators and students in rooms, and on location, and over lunch. 

199 - Luci Dumas - Success in Photography Through Live Education - Profitable Photographer with Luci Dumas2

There are soooooo many reasons I believe that showing up physically is essential

to our success. In this solo episode, I will share about

  •  The value of hanging out with photographers
  •  Why I learn more in person from the speakers
  •  Many opportunities for in-person education, especially from The Professional Photography of America 

I also discuss why getting involved and serving our industry by being on boards, teaching, judging, and such grows us and our success exponentially.

Hey…thanks by the way for subscribing to the show on my YouTube channel and the podcast platform you love the most.

Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info: