151: Mitche Graf- Life Design for Photographers and other Humans

151: Mitche Graf- Life Design for Photographers and other Humans

“If you live life with intention, as if every day is a Saturday, it changes your perspective. It changes what you do, what you say, and how you live your life. Every day can be a Saturday with the right perspective and the right attitude.”

Today, our hostess, Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas sits down with Mitche Graf, a daddy of 3, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, internationally renowned business speaker, nationally syndicated radio show host, and former All American Track & Field athlete.

The amazing Mitche has been a passionate serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, dangling his toes into the ponds of many intriguing industries along the way. From selling used bicycle parts out of his garage in the seventh grade to running four companies today, he has prided himself on knowing how to squeeze every drop of potential out of his endeavors.

151: Mitche Graf- Life Design for Photographers and other Humans

Listen in as Mitche challenges business owners everywhere to find ways to charge more for your services by offering your clients even more value than you already do. In a similar vein, he speaks on the value of investing in your business sooner rather than later. He also offers advice on targeting your marketing toward your ideal client, and why you should never offer discounts.

The latter half of our conversation is all about lifestyle design, which is at the very center of everything Mitche teaches and does. He tells us, as entrepreneurs, to focus on the 5% of the activities that bring 95% of our results.

Key Topics:

  • What brought Mitche down his current path (3:28)
  • Overcoming excuses that stop you from investing in your business (7:44)
  • Attracting your ideal client (13:28)
  • Knowing when to pivot (16:24)
  • Pre-empting customer objections (23:17)
  • All about lifestyle design (26:49)
  • Working smart in addition to working hard (35:26)
  • Life is too short for regrets (42:16)
  • Everyday can be a Saturday (50:28)
  • Luci’s wrap-up (52:23)


Get Mitche Graf’s free book: powermarketing101.com/freebook

Get in touch with Mitche Graf at: sales@mitchegraf.com

Other books by Mitche mentioned in the episode:

Business Basics BootCamp: The Ultimate Crash Course

Customer Service is DEAD: Delivering 6-Start Service In A 1-Star World

Other episodes mentioned:

044 Luci Dumas- Surviving and Thriving

019 Bruce and Josh Hudson: Keeping Clients Coming Back for More – The Power of Relationship Marketing

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