Did you know your right to photograph is protected under the constitutional right to freedom of speech? Well, it is! It’s a little more complex than that, though, which is why we are so glad to have our guest with us today to explain all things legal photography!
The Professional Photographers of America worked for 10 years to get Congress to pass a bill that allows photographers and artists to sue in Small Claims Court.

My guest, Luc Boulet is the man with the answers about all things legal when it comes to photography.
He is currently the Government Affairs Manager for Professional Photographers of America and represents their interests across the country in state legislatures, federal agencies, and on Capitol Hill.
Paying attention to the legal stuff can be overwhelming for many creative-types… that’s why we are so happy to have Luc on the show to help break it down!
On this episode he’ll cover:
- The legal right to photograph in National Parks
- Our rights as photographers
- What to do if your photographs are used without your permission
- The importance of registering your work
Don’t sweat the legal stuff…we’ve gotcha covered.
Listen now.
And connect with Luc at:
- lboulet@ppa.com
- 404-522-8600
Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info: