I just loved getting to know Australian photography and coach, Johl Dunn. He helps ambitious photographers build a highly profitable business by creating a sales and marketing engine and...
192: Melissa R Rich – The Joy of Workflow System for Photographers and Creatives
Ever been that overwhelmed photography business owner? You’re probably all saying “YES!” Well, you’re in luck! Our episode of The Profitable Photographer Podcast is going to be so helpful for...
191: Krista Marie – Overcoming Burnout as Photographers
Woo hoo…another awesome guest and episode of The Profitable Photographer with Luci Dumas coming your way. Thanks for subscribing and sharing. Also...check out this and many other episode on my...
190: Luci Dumas – Your Best-Year-Yet Success Plan
Well, it is that time of year when we think we are going to jump in and finish our plans for the year. January is over and we better get going, right? So we make a list. And, if you are like a lot...
189: Jeff Brown – “Scroll to a Sale” Websites for Photographers
The Profitable Photographer Podcast is pleased to welcome fellow profitable photographer Jeff Brown back to the show to talk all about using your website to attract ideal clients! At 27, Jeff joined...
188: Michael T. Davis – Creating Story-Telling Wedding Albums
This episode of The Profitable Photographer Podcast is all about love stories! Our guest is here to tell us how we can enhance our hearts to increase sales. Joining Luci on the show is Michael T...