Welcome back to another fun and informative episode of The Profitable Photographer Podcast!
We are so excited to have fellow Photography Business Coach Heather Chesky here to spread her biz wisdom! Heather has some incredibly practical, tangible, and INSPIRING advice for you and your photography business so now’s the time to listen up!
For Heather, it all started over 20 years ago in her high school photography class. While she has always kept photography close to her heart as a hobby, she was skeptical that it could be a “real job.” As a result, she spent far too long at a horrible “real job” (tale as old as time!), until one day, about 10 years ago, she was unexpectedly laid off. Luckily for her (and for us!), this catapulted her into her own successful photography business!

Inspired by the need to support her family and new 8-month-old baby, Heather not only replaced her income, but DOUBLED IT within her first year! Yahoo!! (Hey, her program is called “The Booked Photographer” for a reason!)
Now Heather’s business is still thriving and she loves passing her knowledge on to other Photography Business Owners just like you! We are thrilled to have her here today to expand our business toolbelts with tips on attracting ideal clients with model calls and social media.
One of Heather’s top marketing tools? Model calls!
She shares how putting out a call for volunteer models can lead to long and bountiful client relationships.
When putting out a call always, always, always:
- BE SPECIFIC about the ideal client you are trying to attract
- Be authentic
- Have them fill out a questionnaire
- Get their credit card on file!
Seriously, you don’t want to miss it.
You can grab Heather’s FREE crash course at: http://www.thebookedphotographer.com/crash-course
Connect with Heather at:
Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs: