“You want people coming to you because they like the way you see… You have to find a way of seeing and working that is uniquely you. And that’s what you market.”
This week Master Photographer Luci Dumas is joined by street photography extraordinaire and lighting expert Ibarionex Perello!

Ibarionex is a Photographer, Writer, Educator and Host of The Candid Frame Photography Podcast. A creative powerhouse!
With over 25 years of experience in the photographic industry, he has gifted this world with six, count em, SIX BOOKS including Chasing the Light: Improving Your Photography Using Available Light.
Having served as an adjunct professor at the Art Center College of Design we are incredibly lucky to have Ibarionex here to educate us on the DOs and DON’Ts of lighting and other photography business tips.
After listening to this episode you will be exploding with knowledge on:
- Being a light treasure-hunter in natural settings
- Noticing shadows, quality, direction, and contrast
- And leaning into your flexibility and curiosity to make original discoveries
Listen now!
And connect with Ibarionex at
Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs: